Welcome to your Employee Engagement Specialist web page. You can access this page any time under the Services menu and selecting ‘EE Specialist Site’, or save it to your favorites. If you have any trouble accessing information on this page or questions about its content, please contact John at 781-281-7258 or [email protected].
Here you will find material for each session including:
- Pre-work
- Workshop material
- Assignments
- Additional resources and readings
Scroll or use the links below to find the session you want to review:
- Pre-work
- Session 1 – Engagement at Your Organization (June 21)
- Session 2 – Assessing and Acting – Your Engagement Baseline (July 19)
- Reminder: No session in August
- Session 3 – Creating your Employer Value Proposition (September 20)
- Session 4 – Leading and Managing Change and Your First Line Leader (October 18)
- Session 5 – Communication Protocol and Innovation (November 15)
- Session 6 – Generation Y in the Workplace (December 13 – Note: this is the 2nd Friday instead of 3rd)
- Session 7 – Motivation and High Performance (January 17)
- Session 8 – Develop Feedback Mechanisms and the Balanced Scorecard (February 21)
- Session 9 – Effective Reward Programs (March 21)
- Session 10 – Finding and Selecting Engaged Employees (April 18)
Pre-work for Session 1
Start your Employee Engagement Specialist journey on the right foot by completing the following assignments before coming to the June 21 session.
- Download your iCalendar file, click ‘Open’, then ‘Save and close’ (calendar dates will be saved to your calendar file)
- Delete the August meeting
- Change the December meeting to the 2nd Friday of the month
- Complete the Employee Engagement Questionnaire – a series of 4 exercises that will help you better understand engagement in your organization as well as your own thoughts on the subject.
- Read the following case studies and articles:
- It’s Not You. It’s Me. Really! – The Bootstrapper’s Guide to Employee Engagement (Kinexis)
- Why Your CEO and CFO Should Care About Employee Engagement (TLNT)
- Business Results Strongly Related to Engagement Regardless of Economy (SHRM)
- Global workforce Study – Engagement at Risk: Driving Strong Performance in a Volatile Global Environment (Towers Watson)
Session 1 – Engagement at Your Organization
June 21
- Introduction file (schedule, expectations, objectives, etc.)
- Session 1 Workbook
- Session 1 slides
As an exercise in the workshop, we discussed the expectations we have of each other and expectations participants have of the facilitators. They are:
- Expectations of each other
- Get to know one another – create a network
- Share information freely and openly
- Make suggestions – both things that work, and those that don’t
- Provide a fresh perspective – push back
- Open to being contacted for support and questions
- Courage to speak up
- Judgement-free zone – be able to share without being judged
- Respect each other
- Remain focused – minimal side tracking
- Expectations of the facilitators
- Create a learning environment
- Challenge participants to grow, develop, and think differently
- Share best practices from the past and industries you’ve worked with
- Keep group focused – if things get off track, bring us back
- Complete #s 1 and 2 on your Engagement Action Plan using the key engagement drivers and discussions during Friday’s session.
- Complete the ‘Engagement in your Organization Evaluation’ (page 1 – 19 of your workbook). Identify 3 – 5 areas that you scored your organization as low (1, 2, 3, or 4) and, if improved, would increase your engagement levels. Use these at the bottom of page 1 of your Engagement Action Plan.
- Complete page 2 of your Engagement Action Plan with the following tasks
- Discuss employee engagement with at least 3 leaders in your organization using your Engagement Action Plan as a guide
- Complete the exercise on pages 1 – 21 and 1 – 22. Create strategies to influence your EAs to increase their support of your engagement efforts
Make a copy of your completed Engagement Action Plan to turn in at the beginning of the next session.
Additional Resources and Tools
- Just published! Gallup’s 2013 State of the American Workplace Report
- Form for PHR/SHPR Credits – request form from John
Session 2 – Assessing and Acting – Your Engagement Baseline
July 19
Pre-work for Session 2
- Identify feedback tools you have used in your organization:
- Employee survey
- Pulse survey
- Town hall meetings
- 360 evaluation
- Suggestion box
- Other tools not listed here
- Document what happened as a result of using the tools listed above:
- Changes that occurred, successes from using the tools
- Changes that should have happened, areas where the results should have been more successful
- Read the following case studies and articles
- It’s Not About Employee Satisfaction
- Six Reasons to Conduct an Employee Survey
- Seven Steps to Conduction an Employee Survey
- Engagement Survey Guidelines
Session 2 Workshop Materials
- Session 2 Slides
- Session 2 Workbook
- HIT Process Material (idea evaluator, action planning templates, etc.)
- ‘Rules of the Tavern’ Agreement Form
- Stay and Exit Interview document
- Leadership Team Evaluation (aka Great 10 Evaluation)
- SWOT Form
Using your Engagement Action Plan from Session 2 as a guide and to take notes:
- Discuss with senior leaders the benefits of gathering employee input
- Use your notes on the pros and cons of each type of assessment
- Determine what type(s) of assessment might be best for your organization (and why)
- Implement one assessment technique that you don’t currently use (or should be using more) with a group in your organization
- Identify at least 2 problems you would like to solve in your organization
- List the preferred outcome, barriers, and at least 3 possible solutions for each issue
- Discuss the issues with 3 other people in the organization – do they feel these are problems? Do they have different solutions than you came up with?
- Select one of the problems and lead a group to a solution
- Report back on your success and challenges
Additional Resources and Tools
- Form for PHR/SPHR Credits – request form from John
Session 3 – Employer Brand Proposition
September 20
Pre-work for Session 3
- Make a list of the reasons employees work at your company
- First create your own list – why you think people work there
- Then, ask peers and senior leaders why they think people work at the company
- Ask at least 5 individual employees (not peers or senior leaders) specifically why they work for the organization
- Lastly, make a list of why potential employees would want to work at your company
- What are 3 – 5 reasons that your customers buy from you?
- Ask your co-workers what they think about this question
- If appropriate, ask a few customers
- Identify how you organization uses social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.).
- Is it for recruiting? For communication (internal and external)? How about marketing? What else?
- Does your organization encourage employees to use social media? Is using social media frowned upon?
- Do you have a social media policy? What does it say? Is it restrictive or flexible? If appropriate, please bring a copy to the next session.
- How are you personally using social media? Do you Tweet? Are you on LinkedIn? Do you have a Facebook page?
- Read the following case studies and articles
Session 3 Workshop Materials
Using your Engagement Action Plan from Session 3 as a guide and to take notes:
- Using the information on your flip chart, create a small task team to make a 30 second to 2-minute branding video that describes your Employer Value Proposition. Use these links to view samples of EVP videos (we don’t expect the high quality that some of these have but would like to see your best effort).
- Describe who you are as a company
- Describe why someone would what to work for your company
- Sell the benefits and features of working at your company
- Be prepared to show the video at the next workshop
Use the following links to view samples of EVP videos. Please note: we don’t expect the high quality and production that some of these have but would like to see your best effort. The Deloitte video is a great example of a low cost, low effort EVP video. Have some fun making your video.
- Share your EVP results with your Leadership Team (or the leadership of your department)
- Discuss changes, tweaks, improvements, discoveries
- Be prepared to report back on the results of the discussion
- Rate 5 – 8 of your employees using the Barometer Action Plan and list some actions you could take to help move each into the upper right box (or, if they’re already there, how you can keep them there)
Note: Your handout included a 4th assignment to rate yourself and your company on your social media use. We will do this during the workshop next month.
Additional Resources and Tools
- PHR/SPHR Credit Form – request form from John
- Who’s Sinking Your Boat – show your team this video to help define engagement
- A few more EVP videos:
- I Am Deloitte (video)
- Keys to EVP (video)
Session 4 – Embracing Change and Engaging First-line Leaders
October 18
Pre-work for Session 4
- Think about what changes you have been a part of
- Personal changes
- Organizational changes (that you delivered or led)
- Organizational changes (that you received)
- What worked? What went well? What didn’t go so well? What would you do differently?
- Outline your current selection process for hiring and promoting people managers
- What do you do well? Not so well?
- What training to your people managers receive
- How engaged do you think your first-line leaders are? Rate their engagement level as a whole on a scale of 1- 10:
- 1 = not engaged at all
- 10 = fully engaged
Session 4 Workshop Materials and Tools
Change Tools
- Attributes of a Successful Change Agents
- Why Your Change Management Process Might Not Work
- How People View Change
- Communication Plan Worksheet
- Keys to Sustaining Change
- Change Survival Kit
Leadership Tools
- Twelve Needs a Leader Must Fill Assessment Ranking Exercise
- Rate yourself on the Attributes of Successful Change Agents
- What are your 3 highest rated skills and what do you do to maintain those skills
- What are your 3 bottom skills and what will you do to improve those skills
- What type of change management process would you (or do you) use in your organization?
- Why would this model be effective in your organization over a different model?
- Ask your team or a group that sees you as a leader complete the ’12 Needs’ evaluation
- Look for patterns in the responses
- Compare to you own self-assessment – what are the differences? Similarities?
- What can you do to be a more engaging leader?
- Rate yourself and your company on your social media usage on:
- YouTube
- Other?
Take notes on your Engagement Action Plan document and be prepared to turn in a copy of your results at the beginning of the next session
Additional Resources
- PHR/SPHR Credit Form – request form from John
Session 5 – Engaging First-line Leaders and Communication Protocol
November 15
Pre-work for Session 5
- How is communication cascaded through your organization? E-mail? Social Media? Meetings? Other?
- Describe your communication process when a major announcement is made in your organization?
- What are the pros and cons of you current process? What works? What doesn’t work?
Session 5 Workshop Materials and Tools
- Twelve Needs a Leader Must Fill Assessment Ranking Exercise
- Communication Protocol Tools
- Ask your team or a group that sees you as a leader complete the ’12 Needs’ evaluation
- Look for patterns in the responses
- Compare to you own self-assessment – what are the differences? Similarities?
- What can you do to be a more engaging leader?
- Get to know several of your employees on a professional and personal level
- Create a draft Communication Protocol document starting with the CEO and cascading at least 3 levels
- Are the messages you have outlined the correct messages?
- How can you be more consistent in delivering messages?
Take notes on your Engagement Action Plan document and be prepared to turn in a copy of your results at the beginning of the next session
Additional Resources
PHR/SPHR Credit Form – request form from John
Session 6 – Innovation and Working with the Generations
December 13
Pre-work for Session 6
- Innovation is taking a current product, process, or service and making it better
- Based on the above definition of innovation, make a list of 3 – 5 innovations that you have seen in your lifetime outside of your industry
- Look at products and services that you use on a daily basis – what innovations have you seen? How have these products and services been improved?
- Read the following articles and watch the videos
- Where Good Ideas Come From (video) by Steven Johnson
- Forbes Article – Managing Innovation
- Invisible Bicycle Helmet
- What is the mix of generations in your workplace (just a rough estimate)
- Traditionalists – born 1922 – 1945
- Baby Boomers – born 1946- 1964
- Generation X – born 1965 – 1980
- Gen Y (Millennials) – born 1981 – 1995
Session 6 Workshop Resources and Tools
You only have one assignment and that is to have a safe, warm, and happy holiday season!
Additional Resources
PHR/SPHR Credit Form – request form from John
Session 7 – Motivation and High Performance
January 17
Pre-work for Session 7
- Complete these assessments on motivation
- View this video on Dan Pink’s view of motivation
Session 7 Workshop Resources and Tools
- Session 7 Slides (pdf)
- Session 7 Workbook (pdf)
- Motivation Self and Team Assessment (Word doc)
- Complete the motivation team assessment on at least 5 people. Mark what you think each primary and secondary motivator are
- Ask those 5 people to complete the motivation self-assessment
- Compare your answers to their answers
Record your answers on the Engagement Action Plan (Word doc) and bring to next workshop
Additional Resources
PHR/SPHR Credit Form – request form from John
Session 8 – Develop Feedback Mechanisms and Building a Balanced Scorecard
February 21
Pre-work for Session 8
Using the pre-work worksheet (Word):
- List and evaluate feedback mechanisms you use at your organization to solicit feedback from your employees
- Identify at least 5 key metrics you measure in your organization now then list 5 metrics you should use to measure engagement
- Review the following resources
Session 8 Workshop Resources and Tools
- Session 8 Slides (pdf)
- Session 8 Workbook (Word)
- Complete the motivation team assessment on at least 5 people. Mark what you think each primary and secondary motivator are
- Ask those 5 people to complete the motivation self-assessment
- Compare your answers to their answers
Record your answers on the Engagement Action Plan (Word doc) and bring to next workshop
Additional Resources
PHR/SPHR Credit Form (pdf) – request form from John
Session 9 – Effective Reward Programs
March 21
Pre-work for Session 9
Using the pre-work worksheet (Word):
- What percentage of your organization is eligible for bonuses?
- What percentage of bonuses paid are based on:
- Qualitative results
- Quantitative results
- What types of ongoing reward / recognition programs do you have in your organization?
Session 9 Workshop Resources and Tools
- Session 9 Slides (pdf)
- Session 9 Workbook (Word)
- Rate your organization on how it views the following work life balance options.
- What could the organization do better?
- What specifically could you do to make improvements?
- What’s preventing your organization from being more focused on work life balance issues
- Re-evaluate your incentive plans to ensure that both quantitative and qualitative criteria are included
- Conduct a Recognition Evaluation on two recognition programs and note how they could be improved
Record your answers on the Engagement Action Plan (Word doc) and bring to next workshop
Special Note on Assignments:
- Please submit assignments for Session 7 or Session 8. Please PDF and submit these two completed assignments to John Konselman before April 15.
- Also, if you haven’t completed your video assignment from Session 3, please submit that to John before April 15 as well.
Additional Resources
PHR/SPHR Credit Form (pdf) – request form from John Note: This document is unavailable at this time – once the credits are approved, John will notify the group. If you need these credits immediately, contact John for a work-around.
Forbes article – The Overwhelmed Employee
Session 10 – Finding and Selecting Engaged Employees
April 18
Pre-work for Session 10
Using the pre-work worksheet (Word):
- Flow chart or outline your organization’s recruiting and hiring process
- Flow chart or outline your on-boarding process
- Identify how you determine in an interview if the person is a cultural fit for your organization
- Bring a job description and resume submitted for a position in your organization
Session 10 Resources and Tools
- Session 10 slides (pdf)
- Session 10 workbook (Word)
- Recruiting tools (Zip file) – includes:
- BEST Profile and Candidate Evaluation Tool
- Resume Screening Tips
- Recruiting Sources Planning Guide
- Employee Referral Program worksheet
- Interviewing tools (Zip file) – includes:
- Telephone Interview Tips
- Interview Checklist
- Interview Skills Assessment
- Legal Questions Guidelines
- Reference Check Guide
- Ideas for Staying in Touch with Candidates
- Be bold, but understand it’s a journey
- Commit on a few things and execute flawlessly
- Remember, YOU can make a huge difference to your organization!
Additional Resources
- PHR/SPHR Credit Form (pdf) – request form from John
- Certificate Program Evaluation Form
- Group photos #1, #2, selfie
Thanks to everyone who attended the post-session lunch! We were pleased to enjoy food and libations with the group!
All material on this page is the property of The Employee Engagement Group and cannot be sold or distributed