Engagement Workshops
Engaging Activities & Discussions. Expert Facilitators.

Our most popular workshops:
That's Just the Tip of the Iceberg!
Whatever your engagement need, we have a workshop to suit your participants and budget.
For more information, email us at [email protected]
Here's Our Other Engagement Workshops...
Embracing and Managing Change
The Employee Engagement Group can customize a change development workshop to help your organization understand the dynamics of change, while helping your managers and employees reach new performance levels after it happens. We introduce multiple change models (each addressing a different component of change), while highlighting change expectations, how to communicate change, and how people handle change (and why). By managing change, you can influence the time your organization spends in a downturn, and minimize the period of low performance while the organization returns to a continuously improving environment.
Recognition Best Practices
This workshop highlights the importance and psychology behind staff recognition, as recognition is one of the most impactful and inexpensive engagement drivers. We will introduce recognition best practices, tools, and traps to avoid.
Learn The Traps of Unconscious Bias
We all have biases, either consciously or subconsciously, that have a profound impact on how we communicate, who we hire, and decisions we make. Learn to avoid your own Unconscious Bias Traps.
Developing and Leading Engaged Teams
In this session, participants will learn the four stages of team development (known as the Tuckman model) and provide specific steps for accelerating through each step. Using this model, the participants will then create goals and action plans for moving their teams to high performance.
You Don't Have an Engagement Issue, You Have a Hiring Issue!
This workshop focuses on hiring the right people to succeed at your organization. We introduce the B.E.S.T staffing model, which emphasizes the need to include key evaluation criteria in staff selection. This workshop includes some terrific tools, hiring approaches, and a data base of interview questions based on behaviors and traits.
Empathy Drives Engagement
The empathetic manager holds the secret source to maximizing the engagement of employees. Because employee engagement is not linear (we all have good and bad days), one’s engagement is often predicated by what happens AFTER work. While engagement is often seen as a top-down process driven by organizational management, learn why tomorrow’s organizations need to foster improved relations between the manager and employee, including the 7 motivational drives and how to use them to guide development and growth.
Engage Your First-Line Leaders
The Engaged Leadership program focuses on developing managers through the performance management process. This Employee Engagement Workshop is designed to teach basic supervisory and management skills in assessing employees, determining fit and future, conducting performance appraisals, creating employee development plans, and addressing individual performance issues.
A Lesson in Emotional Intelligence
Learn the 5 areas of emotional intelligence, including the importance of both self-awareness and empathy. You will uncover what triggers your stress, along with the stress of your employees, in order to best prepare your organization on how employees can change their future responses. Discover how to recognize emotions in others and how to best leverage empathy in building more effective workplace relationships.
For a list of all workshop topics, please download our brochure.
Earn Professional Development and SPR Credits from SHRM and HRCI!
The Employee Engagement Group is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-HR Certification Institute, CPSMM, or SHRM-SCPSM.
Contact Us
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