April 25, 2011, Bob Kelleher
Author of Louder than Words, 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps that Drive Results, Bob Kelleher shares his thought leadership on employee engagement.
Your organization should have an employee engagement strategy that can be sustainable during the good times and bad. Even during the economic down times, you should continue to focus on employee engagement. Of course you will have to concentrate in other areas, but employee engagement is not a program you can simply turn on and off. Research supports Kellehers practices: Deloitte’s 2009, “Managing Talent in a Turbulent Economy” reports that:
- 49% of employees surveyed are either looking for a new job or plan to do so after the recession
- 22% of those surveyed have been actively looking for a new job over the past year
- Only 37% of Generation X employees surveyed plan to stay with their current employer