TLNT, 11/4/2011, Irvine, Derek
Bullying is a topic that much deserved attention for children. What about adults at the workplace though? According to TLNT, and research from CBS Moneywatch reflects the effects of bullying on productivity and engagement on the person that is being bullied.
“A disrespectful behavior automatically triggers a squirt of cortisol into our brains. Cortisol shouts down the prefrontal cortex & triggers the flight or fight mechanism…our focus turns inward and we lose the ability to fully engage with other people, help people, or be creative, energized and motivated. Disrespect is like the anti-gift, instead of the gift that keeps on giving, it’s the gift that keeps on taking.” Paul Meshanko, Founder, Legacy Business Cultures
Ask yourself:
- Does your organization tolerate bullying at the office?
- Do you allow your top performers/rock stars to disrespect others because of their performance?
Why should bullying be tolerated at the office, when we teach our children otherwise? It can destroy positive work cultures and people’s self worth & confidence?
To Read the Full Article, Click Here.