The 3 C’s of Engagement Diamond rings are evaluated on the 3 C’s of cut, clarity, and color. I see three Cs of Employee Engagement that all leaders should embrace: Communication is the cornerstone of engagement: Recognize the power of a robust communication plan, one built on clarity, consistency, and transparency. With today’s technological advances,… [Read More]
the employee engagement group
Your Company Brand Depends on Employee Engagement
Your Company Brand Depends on Employee Engagement June 24, 2015 Employee engagement is important when it comes to branding because it involves the organization, the employee, and the customer. When those three elements come together we call it tri-branding. First, the organization creates a brand for itself – this is the Employer Value Proposition. Second, the… [Read More]
Transform Your Culture with ENGAGE!
Transform Your Culture with ENGAGE! Join us for a highly interactive workshop where you will develop practical application for the award-winning tools and resources from Louder Than Words: 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps that Drive Results. In this workshop you will learn to: Build and implement a comprehensive communication protocol that engages employees AND builds… [Read More]
Make Work Fun with Gamification!
January 13, 2015 Gamification: Making Work Fun! You may have heard the word gamification, as it’s starting to become more popular, especially in the workplace, but what exactly does it mean? Gamification is applying game metrics in non-game settings to increase user engagement and drive user behavior with appropriate rewards. Gamification is a great way… [Read More]
Monkeying Around at SHRM14
SHRM14 is a success story for The Employee Engagement Group. Having a booth set up in such a large exhibit hall it’s easy to get lost and miss some of the best booths, which is why it’s essential to get creative and draw attention to your company. So, what did we do? We hired a monkey! Toby, the… [Read More]
#2 Employee Engagement Blog: Vetter
TEEG is excited to announce that our blogs, written by Stephanie Mello have been recognized as the #2, Employee Engagement blog. Congratulations to our blogger, Stephanie Mello for this award. We believe it is her unique talent for relating topics of employee engagement to Downton Abbey, Red Sox, Brad Pitt or Subway’s foot long debacle, Stephanie has… [Read More]
3 Things to Boost Employee Engagement, Bob Kelleher
1. Develop and brand a captivating Employer Value Proposition (“why do people work here”) that galvanizers all employees, from C Suite to new graduate. 2 Relating to above, make sure there is a focus on Purpose, which is key to capturing both the hearts and heads of employees. 3. Eliminate all perceived ‘caste’ systems like… [Read More]
Direct Marketing News: Creativeship Culture, Bob Kelleher
How can leaders build sustainable cultures and business models? What has the collapse of industry leaders such as Enron, WorldCom, and Arthur Andersen taught us about what happens when firms become so singularly focused on profit that they lose their moral compass and forget their greater purpose? Why are traditional definitions of leadership stale and… [Read More]
TEEG Introduces Anton Thallner, Director of Video and Media Solutions
Anton is in charge of all things video. He is a full-time student in his senior-year at Boston University studying Film and Television Production. Anton is extremely knowledgeable and passionate when it comes to creating promotional videos. He has been making movies for over ten years, and brings experience and creativity to the table. He… [Read More]
Hire the B.E.S.T. Employees to Create an Engaged Workforce, Sharon Lauby
Our guest post comes from Sharlyn Lauby of HR Bartender and ITM Group. For the second year, she’s attending our annual users conference, SilkRoad Connections, and sharing her thoughts on the event. Employee engagement starts before an employee is hired. I think we have a tendency to think of think of employee engagement only in… [Read More]