November 19, 2014 Customer Experience for Dummies was released on November 17, 2014. Roy Barnes and Bob Kelleher focused this book on how to gain, engage and retain customers with positive experiences. It is essential for leaders to listen to their customers and be able to engage with them through different channels; this book provides… [Read More]
social media
The Good, Bad and Ugly: Social Media’s Impact on Your Brand
There’s no denying that social media has taken the world by storm. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter boast millions of users. Social media is a huge engagement, staffing, retention, and branding tool. It’s at the foundation of what we call tri-branding — i.e., when companies use social media to link both product and employment brand, and… [Read More]
Short but Sweet: Twittering Your Way to College or Bank
USA Today, 7/12/11 At the University of Iow, a scholarship to a 2 year MBA program will be awarded to the student who writes the best tweet by July 28th, 2011. Instead of writing a second essay, University of Iowa wants prospective students believes that tweeting encourages students to be direct and improve their social… [Read More]
Twitter From a Business Perspective, Hubspot
EEG (Employee Engagement Group) emphasizes the importance for companies to leverage social media. Below are 5 reasons why your organization should leverage Twitter from a Business perspective: Promote your company brand Stay in touch with your customers Encourage employees who enjoy social media to act as your orgainzations “brand ambassadors” Publicize your on-line offerings such as… [Read More]
Recruiting with YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
Deloitte Australia decided to leverage social media for their recruitment efforts through an internally developed aapplication, called JoinMe@Deloitte . Deloitte employees have download the in-house application to their Facebook page and since their launch date, 2793 potential candidates viewed the appplication and generated 150 requests to join Deloitte. Increasing brand awareness is the driver behind, [email protected]. … [Read More]
Video: Is Social Media a Fad, or the Biggest Shift Since the Industrial Revolution?
Lone Wolf Media Staggering statistics include: Over 50% of the world’s population is under the age of 30 years old 96% of Millennials have joined a social network FaceBook added over 200 million users in less than 1 year 80% of companies use Social Media for recruitment Generation Y and X consider email outdated YouTube… [Read More]
Turn Your Employees into Social Media Ambassadors
iMEDIA Connection, 2/3/10, Steve McAbee The number of employees that leverage social media tools such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn has grown tremendously over the past couple of years. Companies benefit from this in many ways, but notably brand management is one of them. What better way to brand your company’s vision and strategy than… [Read More]
The Facebook Obsession, CNBC
February 8, 2011. Facebook now has more users than the entire US population (1/2 billion users). Whether you are a fan or not, Facebook is being used to: Find loved ones Fight crime Revive careers (notably Betty White) Facebook is the largest social media site in the world. While they have enjoyed tremendous success, privacy… [Read More]
The Benefits of Company Employees Using Social Media in the Workplace
Gregg McLachlan, WorkCabin Communications A survey of 1,400 CFOs was conducted by Accountemps, a division of Robert Half International about the role Social Media has in the workplace. Based on the restuls, McLachlan stresses that the future of communication includes social media. It is a must have tool for doing business. Cutting people off from… [Read More]
Is E-mail the Next Myspace?
December 20th, New York Times. The number of people using email to communicate is decreasing, notably for the younger generations-people between the ages of 12 and 17. The number of visits to Yahoo and and Hotmail have dropped 18%. This decrease is due to a preference for instant gratification that texting and instant messaging provides…. [Read More]