On Wednesday, September 28 at 9 AM Pacific/12 PM Eastern, Bob Kelleher and Training Magazine will be partnering to present a complimentary 60-minute webinar on the theme of personal accountability with regards to engagement – a major theme of Bob’s last book, I-Engage. Gallup and others claim that in spite of an improved economy, only… [Read More]
Thinking Forward to End-of-Year Conversations
With summer over and kids back in school, many HR professionals are gearing up for end-of-year discussions. In some organizations, these are loosely framed conversations that are largely based on justifying a year-end bonus (or lack of one). In others, they are rigorously organized and tracked – so much so that managers sometime dread them…. [Read More]
Maintaining Engagement During the “Back to School” Crunch
For many employees, summer means rest and relaxation, regardless of whether it involves a family vacation or less structured “downtime.” With so many of our colleagues and direct reports taking time off, the pace of the workplace can tend to slow down to match this mindset… only to get a jolt when September rolls around. … [Read More]
12 Books for Summer Reading: Matched to your Personality
As we head into the dog days of summer, great shout-out by CultureTalk’s Andrea Cotter, who links 12 must read books with your personality type. -Bob Kelleher, Chief Engagement Officer, @BobKelleher By Andrea Cotter, Founding Partner, CultureTalk Welcome to summer vacation everyone. Are you ready for a summer reading list that includes a little fun and laughs,… [Read More]