There’s no denying that social media has taken the world by storm. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter boast millions of users. Social media is a huge engagement, staffing, retention, and branding tool. It’s at the foundation of what we call tri-branding — i.e., when companies use social media to link both product and employment brand, and… [Read More]
employer branding
Your Employer Brand is the Story of Your Culture
An employer brand tells a story-one that resonates with your employee and customers. It conveys the message of why someone would want to work for you and why they stay. Benefits of an employer brand include the following: Provides clarity and unifies your mission Provides a call to action Focuses employees by providing a clear… [Read More]
HBR Blog: What is Your Brand Against?
February 15, 2011, HBR Blogs, Scott Goodson Goodson makes the case for companies to address, “What are we against?” in their branding efforts instead of only focusing on, “What are we for?”. “Marketers may be reluctant to take a stand against anything because it feels controversial or divisive. But the truth is, some of the… [Read More]
Why Employer Branding Matters Now More than Ever, Article
Bob Kelleher emphasizes the importance of Branding for companies. Most organizations focus on branding from their customer’s perspectives, but in order to drive employee engagement and profitability, companies should understand the following: Why do people stay with your company? Why do people want to work for your company? Who are your stars; what are the… [Read More]