SHRM14 is a success story for The Employee Engagement Group. Having a booth set up in such a large exhibit hall it’s easy to get lost and miss some of the best booths, which is why it’s essential to get creative and draw attention to your company. So, what did we do? We hired a monkey! Toby, the Capuchin Monkey, joined us for the first full day of exhibiting and was a huge hit. A common question was, why did you bring a monkey in? Well, it was a great way to engage our visitors and get them interested in what we do at The Employee Engagement Group, it kept the booth interactive and fun, and was an excellent way to get visitors to talk about us. As a result we received a great deal of business leads and were able to promote Bob Kelleher’s mega-sessions.
Bob was invited to speak at two mega-sessions; we are very proud to announce he was the only speaker with two mega-sessions! His first mega-session was “What a Boomer and Gen X’er Can Teach You About Engaging and Retaining Gen Y” which was co-facilitated by Kelly Botto. This was a great success as we were able to have two facilitators representing the Boomer and Gen X generations bringing a fantastic dynamic and perspective to the session. The second mega-session was “15 Ways to Engage Your Employees” which brought such a large crowd (over 2000 people) there was standing room only! Bob creates high energy presentations with multi-media and relevant case studies that provide attendees with great resources to take back to their organization.
Overall, SHRM14 was a fantastic event and we look forward to participating in future SHRM events!
– Kaitlyn Carr, Organizational Development Specialist, @kacarr789 @emplyengagement