Our free tools for the March-April period give helpful tips on managing generational differences among the four main workforce contingents: Traditionalists, Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. Remember, these are just a handful of the tools available in the full Training Toolbox! Membership offers elite access to a full suite of training materials, including fully customizable forms, PowerPoint presentations, and implementation guides.
Subscribe with no purchase required today through April 14 to get these FREE tools:
Attracting Gen X and Gen Y: This worksheet provides an exercise to evaluate the work environment to see if it is maximizing appeal for the two youngest generations.
Communicating with the Generations: Each generation in the workforce has different communication preferences and priorities. This handout offers a general breakdown.
Name That Generation: How well do you know the hallmarks of each generation in the workforce? Use this scorecard with small groups to assign typical traits.
The New Corporate Hierarchy: The days of experience-based hierarchy (where age and experience were the primary characteristics necessary to rise in a company) are over. The new hierarchy sees employees of every age successfully climbing the corporate ladder. This quick guide reminds participants that the new structure is healthy for both organizations and individuals.
Training the Generations: Each generation learns a little differently. Has your training changed? Are you still using techniques that were developed for the Boomer generation, and aren’t effective with Gen X and Y groups? This document covers training methods targeted to specific generations as well as cross-generational sessions.
You can also take a tour of the Training Toolbox today, or contact us to learn more!