Compiling your summer reading list? Whether sitting by the pool or on a beach this summer, consider adding some of Bob’s books on engagement to your list. These titles will get you thinking about how to best engage your team (or yourself!) once you’re back in the office.
What are you reading this summer? Comment below and we'll compile all the suggestions into another post in a few weeks!
Engagement is dependent on a variety of factors, some that we can't leave behind when we leave home and some that we encounter when we do. For example; our health and well-being, as well as that of our children, partners, and elders, are just a few personal factors that affect engagement at least as much as work-only factors. In I-Engage, Your Personal Engagement Roadmap, Bob Kelleher invites individuals and managers alike to expand the conversation about what it means to be truly engaged... as a whole person.
Bob Kelleher distils vital employee engagement principles, culled from his many years of experience, into ten practical and transformative steps that will help companies maximize employee engagement - the key to capturing discretionary effort. Readers of Louder than Words; 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps That Drive Results will take away practical tools and examples to help them engage their workforce.
Bob tackles corporate malaise in this thought-provoking narrative. Creativeship follows newly retired management consultant Joe Daniels in an exploration of what's missing in business today. In reflecting on his career and interacting with his now-grown children, Joe comes to recognize that strong leadership and employee satisfaction alone will no longer be key to a healthy, sustainable business. This is a must-read for all current and evolving leaders.