Bob Kelleher, Author, keynote speaker and thought leader on employee engagement shares some of his thoughts in this most recent version of Insights.
Kelleher defines Creativeship as, “the creation of sustainable cultures and business models”. Kelleher believes that Creativeship will allow an organization to grow, thrive and complete in today’s complex world. There are 6 business business priorities:
- Purpose: It has been proven that companies that focus on social responsibility outperform organizations that do not
- Engagement: Link engagement to high performance while minimizing employee satisfaction goals*
- Performance: Avoid the peanut butter approach for raises, performance incentives (you will create disengagement)
- Innovation: Creating cultures of innovation fosters engagement and sustainability-cash, revenues, new products & approaches
- Branding: Tri-Branding-Occurs when companies build loyalty with their brand & create brand ambassadors (ever meet someone who loves their iphone?!)
- Growth: Companies must do more than grow their revenues. Gen Y’ers are 3 times more motivated by career development than financial rewards